Benefitting from Professional Solar Fixing Systems

As a building contractor or home owner, you know just how beneficial solar products can be. Sustainable sources of renewable energy have become a very important aspect of our daily lives, both at work and in our households. But the product and the installation method you choose is extremely important.

Solar panels allow you to benefit from a constant energy supply, without having to rely on electricity. This is not only great when you experience an electricity blackout, but the main benefit lies in its energy efficiency. Over time, solar panels can save you a lot in terms of energy costs and help keep your monthly expenses to a minimum. Although you have to pay the initial installation costs, these versatile and highly effective panels will quickly pay for themselves over time.

This is not only perfect for homeowners wanting to save money where possible, but it is also ideal for larger office buildings that need to reduce their overall energy consumption. With energy prices constantly on the rise, this is a great solution for property owners that want to benefit from a cost-effective and sustainable energy source. This however depends on the type of installation you have.

Solar Fixing Systems from Clotan Steel

Clotan Steel offers a unique way of installing your solar panels on the roof without having to make any holes. This concealed fixing solution offers a more cost-effective and durable installation option for home owners and other property managers. Our team can guarantee prompt installation and accurate planning, offering you a reliable service from an experienced installation team.

Our S5 and RTP mini clamp system has been tested and proved to be very durable and highly effective. In order to convey maximum force, it is necessary to tighten the patented grub screw with a torque of 17 Nm, this being the best solution for this specific purpose. If you are working with large roofs or steel, you can also choose to work with a stress analyst to determine if the load will be properly absorbed.

Clotan Steel specialises in solar fixing systems that allow us to offer you the best option for solar panels with a unique installation method to your roof.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you to effectively install solar panels at your home or office building.

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